CroatiaThe flight from
Pribram in the Czech Republic to Split in Croatia takes about
three hours, Dubrovnik takes half an hour more and Zadar about 20
minutes less. It is important, however, to plan the flight in such
a way as not to arrive just before sunset when gusty strong
wind starts blowing down the mountains. The runway of Split airport
is perpendicular to it and that makes a landing sometime
The Air Traffic Control (ATC) dispatchers usually want VFR traffic (most of the small aircraft) to fly alongside pre-set VFR routes (Adria 1, Adria 2 etc.). The objective is to get a better control of the traffic and its effective separation from the transport aircraft. I have flown alongside the Croatia coast at least ten times because it is the route for Cyprus, Greece and even southern Italy, Malta and Sicily.
Most of the photos in this section were taken by Mr Dvorak the head of iDnes portal´s blog section, during our joint trip to Croatia.
Devoted most of his professional life to air transportation and travel business. In addition to history and sports his main interest is sport flying. More